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Showing posts from March, 2012

Gratitude for the body

Our fifth grade students were recently discussing the mensch value of shmirat ha-guf , caring for the body. They together generated these two "wow" and "thanks" prayers: For Our Eyes Praise to you, Adonai our God Sovereign of the Universe! We thank you for our vision in life. Without it we wouldn’t be whole. If we didn’t have eyes, we would have dents in our heads! All our nerves work with your wisdom. Blessed are you, Adonai our God, who gives us the ability to see. For Our Hair Praise to you, Adonai our God Sovereign of the Universe Who took the time to sculpt tiny perfect holes in our sweet little heads so our hair could grow. Thank you for making the holes just the right size. We will take care of our hair by cutting it and showering. Praise to you, Adonai, who makes our hair grow.