We are told that a covid surge is upon us… and so we are responding as best we can with additional, by now familiar, precautionary measures. And the thought arises: What other surges might we experience this season? How about a surge of caring for our neighbors? Or maybe a surge of laughter in our families? What about a surge of compassion? Or a surge of honesty?
This feels like a different sort of “new year’s resolutions” list. Let’s imagine a surge that we might like to participate in, or that we might wish to get started…. It may be that all surges begin with an individual and spread outward from there, so who knows if it might be YOU that makes a new surge happen?
Personally I would love to ride a surge of meaning and purpose—ride it right through this bleak winter and into a spring of hope and possibilities.
Or how about a surge of quirkiness?? I so value and celebrate all of our quirks bubbling up even through this culture’s heavy blanket of conformity. Let your quirkiness shine, and light the way for others, until there is a surge we can ride straight into loving community! (You know I am talking to YOU here.) ;-)
We can imagine that this latest covid surge is a huge wave that we are crouching down to avoid… or we can imagine ourselves riding it out, in all our irrepressible quirkiness, in joyful solidarity, with care, laughter, compassion, honesty, meaning and purpose.
Please stay in touch so we can Be the Surge this winter.
(written for the Temple Kol Tikvah newsletter, Jan 2022)